Daryl Li

Sometimes writer, occasionally photographer, always curry png enthusiast


I am a writer of literary fiction and nonfiction based in Singapore. Apart from writing, I also do a bunch of odd experimental things. I have an eclectic array of interests that includes translation, film, media, performance, music, architecture, and game design. Occasionally, I tell people that photography is my hobby. Curry png is the best food.

A Few Recent Things...

Tenderly, Tenderly

My second book is out from Atomic Bohemian! It's a more compact and maybe a little punchier volume, featuring a trio of essays that focus on themes of friendship, our relationship with our bodies, and love.

The Second Link

I contributed a piece to The Second Link from Marshall Cavendish, an anthology of writing on Malaysia and Singapore.

The Inventors

My first book came out this past year! It's a collection of essays spanning about a decade's worth of work. It's out now from Rosetta Cultures. Please check it out!


Minor Illusions

Querencia Press will be putting out my third book, a collection of short fiction. I promise that it will be strange and unexpected, particularly for people familiar with my essay work.

The Hall of Uselessness

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This is a banner under which I attempt unusual creative excursions, with an emphasis on experimentation and collaboration.